Taming Skill Chart

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Taming Leveling Guide

First go to animal trainer vendor, he'll teach you taming and animal lore around 30 for around 300 gold each.

Metal Armor
Skill Required Animal Type
29.1-35.1 Boars, Horses, Pack Lama, Pack Horse, Desert Ostard, Forest Ostard, Giant Rat,
35.1-41.1 Black Bear, Llama, Walrus, Polar Bear,
41.1-47.1 Brown Bear, Cougar
47.1-53.1 Alligator
53.1-59.1 Panther, Grey Wolf, Snow Leopard
59.1-60.0 Snake, Grizzly Bear, Great Hart
60.0-80.0 Unique Dyes (Dyes, Empty Bottle)
80.0-85.0 Rare Dyes (Dyes, Empty Bottle)
85-100 Shrink Potions (5 Petrified Wood, 10 Spring Angel)
100-105 Resurrection Potion
105-110 Pet Dye Tub
110-115 Hitching Post
115-120 Leash

At 100 you can use peacemaking on dragons, wyverns and shadow wyrms to subdue them. They are plentiful and you get fast gains.

From here you can continue to craft. Make the hardest item you can, you will get gains all the way to 120 or just tame Bulls, Kirin or Unicorns.