Discussion in   Questions & Answers   started     9 years ago   June 18, 2014, 07:12:42 AM   by   DarkWarrior

How do you organise and fill your bods?

133 Posts
Topic :   How do you organise and fill your bods?
9 years ago  June 18, 2014, 07:12:42 AM

As per topic, how do you organise and fill your bods?

I used to use UOBod or another program (Forgot name, might have it somewhere though) to organise my bods and see what sets I have complete. Obviously this will not work on the custom bods.

I also used to use EasyUO to fill my bods, or manually. I have seen some Razor and UOSteam macros around that will fill bods as well.
At the moment I am just collecting my bods until I have a stockpile and the new system is in place. But will be looking to start filling them soon.

But how do you do yours?

230 Posts
#1 Re :   How do you organise and fill your bods?
9 years ago  June 18, 2014, 10:10:49 AM

There is a key in game, the ultimate BOD book, which will hold all of them. It's great for organizing and filtering when looking for a specific BOD.

133 Posts
#2 Re :   How do you organise and fill your bods?
9 years ago  June 18, 2014, 11:12:30 AM

Yeah I got that, I meant in general for identifying sets.
I was going to look at the bod book again later to see if it has those options but what I was looking for was sorting sets.

For example, you can import all the bods into UOBod and it will highlight sets for you so you know if you have a complete set of large and small bods to fill and hand in.

Also I was asking how people go about filling them, manually, macro, script etc etc
It's been a while since I done it but I used to do some manually and had a script for say 50 at a time I would put in my pack, target my resource container and away we go. Obviously will work different on here with custom bods, materials and key storage so I might just do manually. Fill a load one evening a week or something.

EDIT: I also like to hoard hehe, so I got a few hundred bods in my book now, then I would fill them and put them back in the book (Is that possible with the UBB?) and then when I have a couple hundred I would hand them all in at once.

230 Posts
#3 Re :   How do you organise and fill your bods?
9 years ago  June 18, 2014, 11:48:49 AM

I have never looked into any way to automatically sort them like you describe, so cannot comment on that. For filling them, if it involved clicking, say, 20 pieces of armor, I used to write a loop to do that. Maybe someone else who is a BOD master will come comment as well.

As I recall, you are able to put filled BODs back in the UBB, so hoard away!

28 Posts
#4 Re :   How do you organise and fill your bods?
9 years ago  June 18, 2014, 11:52:45 AM

If I remember well in easyuo.com was few scripts which fill it auto, not sure if still working

238 Posts
#5 Re :   How do you organise and fill your bods?
9 years ago  June 18, 2014, 02:21:05 PM

I never was a pro at bods but I used to build a very open floor plan house and organize them on the floor. Large bod on one tile and corresponding small bods in a stack on an adjacent tile. I had different floors for different types. I would fill the small bods as I got them but not apply them into the large bod until the set is complete. As you may want to use a specific bod on a different large bod that is more complete. Somewhat of a bod warehouse. However with the bod book on evo it may be more efficient to use that. Haven't dabbled in it on evo yet. Cannot comment on euro scripts as I never used one for bodding and I would think it would need to be customized to evo standards which is out of my ability to do. Good luck.