Haunted Hallows

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Haunted Hallows

Location: Ter Mur
Coords: Listed on the Moongate
Description: The Haunted Hallows is a chilling and atmospheric graveyard dungeon, a realm perpetually shrouded in spectral mists and haunted by ghostly apparitions. The halls echo with the whispers of the departed as adventurers traverse through ethereal landscapes and face off against restless spirits. The Haunted Hallows is a captivating but eerie destination for those drawn to the supernatural and seeking the spectral treasures concealed within its haunted recesses.

Seasonal Graveyard Dungeon, open only in October

Monsters: Custom Halloween themed Undead
Stealables: Halloween Stealables
Quest: Madness Quest

What is the Haunted Hallows?

The Haunted Hallows is a Halloween Graveyard Themed dungeon event that runs each year on UO Evolution for the entire month of October. The Hallows Graveyard consists of three levels with a few secrets.

Hallows Main.png

The Graveyard

The first level is the graveyard and is less challenging...but there are always a few scary surprises, so be aware of the potential dangers. Beware! Watch out for the random rising of the "Great Pumpkin" Boss and his evil minions!

Haunted Hallows Gallery One

The Crypts

Level 2 is far more challenging and not meant for the newest citizens of Evolution. Even the expert players need to be prepared for the evil that lurks below the ground.

You will find Halloween themed monsters, decorations for your home, equipment and more in the Hallows. Check every corpse and every treasure chest. Watch for unique stealables. Collect the small orange pumpkins as currency to purchase items from the vendor stones at the entrance

Hallows Keeper.png

Haunted Hallows Gallery Two

Level 3 is limited in access. A gate for this level will open randomly and only be open for 30 minutes, so check the Hallows often. It is a challenging dungeon with a special quest giver and three boss monsters.

Look for the rare quest giver, Professor Gerard Beckert on the third level to begin the "Madness Quest"

Haunted Hallows Gallery Three


Haunted Hallows Gallery Four

What can I buy with my pumpkins?

Pumpkins can be spent on the Haunted Hallows Vendor Stones in the lobby area. The display tables will have a LIMITED number of special purchases. The Main stone items are not limited, but are subject to change.

You CAN STACK the pumpkins, you just have to double click one Haunted Hallows Pumpkin and then target another and it will stack them into one item. Pumpkin treats are ACCOUNT BOUND and are not tradable.

There are also a NUMBER of Quest NPC's that require pumpkins as a turn in, or part of a group of turn-ins. The following quest givers will ask for pumpkins:

  • Burke Hare, the gravedigger
  • Costume Quest
  • Pumpkin Pie

When is the Haunted Hallows Open?

October 1st to October 31st. You may see some special events or "Midnight" spawn announcements by the GM's

How do I get to the Haunted Hallows?

Go to any Public Moongate >>>Quests>>>Events and Games>>>Haunted Hallows

There is a PASSWORD to get in. If you examine the orange wooden sign hanging on the corrupted tree, there is a clue as to what you need to say to get in.

There is an exit into the Dungeon Deceit from the lower crypt chamber if you need to escape

Halloween Events Every October

More information on Halloween Events