Lost Lands

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Lost Lands

"The wilderness of Britannia is a harsh and unforgiving mistress, where the elements themselves conspire to test thy mettle. From fierce oceans to lost lands, nature's wrath knows no bounds. Prepare thyself accordingly, lest thou be caught unawares." -- Lord British


There are many routes to get in and out of the Lost Lands (Delucia/Papua)

Britain Sewers to Hoppers Bog: Goes from the Britain Sewers (Accessed near the Britain Inn) to East of Papua.

Delucia Passage: Goes from the Trinsic Caves (Accessed via a cave at the bottom of the mountain near Trinsic) to Delucia or the Undead City/Savage Camp to the North of Del.

Vesper Cemetery Passage: Goes from Vesper Cemetary (one of the houses has a basement/tunnel) to the middle of the Lower Lost Lands. Papua is a straight shot north, making this a quick route to Paroxymous.

Marble Island Passage: Goes from Marble Isle to directly West of Tera Keep.

Moonglow to Papua Mage Shops: Speaking Recdu/Recsu will bring you from shop to shop

Fire to Sak Teb: Goes from Fire Dungeon to the Desert in the Lost Lands.

Ice to Kos Heb West: Goes from Ice Dungeon to the North Tundras of the Lost Lands

Minoc North Mines Passage: Goes from the Caves near Minoc to Hoppers Bog (the same swamp the Brit Sewers takes you to)

Serpent Pillars: Speaking Doracron/Sueacron will bring you from pillar to pillar

Temple Island to Delucia Temple: Brings you from an Island nearby Serpents Hold/at the Bottom end of Britannica to a spot East of Delucia

Yew Prison to Lighthouse: Coolest passage way, most useless however. Brings you from Yew Prison to the Lighthouse in the Desert in the Lost Lands.

There are only a few places you would want to go to in the Fel Lost Lands.

Terathan Keep Champ: Closest passage is Marble Isle. Alternative options are: Vesper GY, Britain Sewers, Papua Mage shop.

Paroxysmus: Closest/best passage to take is Vesper GY. Alternative options are: Britain Sewers, Marble Isle, Papua Mage shop.

Khaldun: I'm just going to save you time and tell you there is nothing here. Britain passage is closest, but really. Don't go, it is not worth it.

Helpful Hints

You can use some of these secret passages to check champ spawns very efficiently. The best way to check champs is to run a circuit, check a few in a row in an optimal manner. One such circuit is the Forget run, which is Cove MoA, Barracoon, Tera Keep, Fire and/or Ice.

When checking Destard, bring a boat with you. When you finish/if it is down, hop on your boat and sail west, to the Serpents Pillars. This will put you near Fire Dungeon in the Lost Lands. Then you can check Fire/Ice, maybe Tera as well. Take note of some of the other locations as well, they can be used similarly.

Recdu - Say this while standing on the pentagram in Encyclopedia Magicka (North side of Moonglow Island) to be taken to the Papua Mage shop Recsu - Say this while standing on the pentagram in the Papua Mage shop to be taken to North Moonglow Doracron - When said near the Serpent Pillars in Brittania, this will teleport you (and your boat) to the Lost Lands Sueacron - When said near the Serpent Pillars in the Lost Lands, this will teleport you (and your boat) to Brittania