Tinker Dungeon

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Demented Tinker Dungeon

Location: Lost Lands
Description: The Tinker Dungeon is a subterranean workshop where inventive minds create and experiment with mechanical wonders. Tinkers and engineers fill the dungeon with the clatter of gears and the hum of machinery. Adventurers exploring the Tinker Dungeon may encounter automata, traps, and other ingenious inventions as they navigate through the workshop's intricate corridors. The dungeon holds the promise of technological marvels and valuable resources crafted by skilled artisans.

This custom dungeon was released with the introduction of the Iron Golem pets and is the only area to acquire +skill Tinkering gear. Not your typical dungeon, there are strategies that adventurers must use to progress further into the Demented Tinker's lair. New monsters, new items, new artifacts and a villain unlike any other.

"Although the original Golems were created for sinister purposes by Exodus and his minions, some of the more intuitive Tinkers of Britannia were able to manipulate their programming and achieve control over the behemoths. The classic runic coding system used for the Golems was developed by a brilliant and methodical Tinker by the name of Balathustrius.

Having earned notoriety for this as well as his service to the Tinker's Guild of Britain, Balathustrius acquired enough gold to purchase the Tinker Shop just north of Britain Bank and began a lucrative business of repairing and selling golem supplies.

Wanting to meet the constant demand of the public as well as furthering his own obsession of understanding how these hybrid beings could function to their highest potential, Balathustrius descended further and further into his studies, intent on maximizing his profits and patents. Nystul, the Royal Wizard of Britain, held only a few more than he, but this new boon of technology would solidify Balathustrius' name in history... or so he believed."

Watch the Tinker Dungeon Video

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