Discussion in   Shard Updates   started     3 years ago   April 30, 2021, 08:04:57 AM   by   Kane

Shard Update April 30, 2021 [386]

591 Posts
Topic :   Shard Update April 30, 2021 [386]
3 years ago  April 30, 2021, 08:04:57 AM
Last edited on May 07, 2021, 07:31:15 AM

Next week I have a few goals:

1.  Like to spend a day with some of the recent key data I received over the last month or so.  Not sure how I will solve all of the problems but will get started.

2.  War Master Crafting - Finish up with real ingredients and start figuring out what the cost/time will be for crafting. (Pretty much last step)

3.  Dungeon Chests - I feel good found the issue that has been harrassing me, now time to add some more.


I will also be doing a small Virtue Potion test to make sure the changes are what I expect and then will work towards having a few start spawning in the world.

Finally, PvP Points... For so many reasons the current system is a bust.  Time to code a new one, I feel as long this can be defined in detail going into the code process it really won't take much to do.  Then we will have a system where we all have some confidence in and can even look to offering monthly prizes.  There are three main questions to this process... "What is a PvP Kill?", "What isn't a PvP Kill?" "How many points are exchanged?"  Now these are not as simple as it may seem, each of these will have qualifiers and quantifiers, some will specifics when a sitiuation applies or doesn't apply and then finally some will have exceptions.  For those who feel lets keep this simple, that doesn't work.  It will take more effort to go back and recode things because of an idea after the fact than if we just spend a little time and provide some insight as to what works and is balanced.


Version 386
Deco Deeds Added: 29 new items from Sayla
Unlock Spell Updated:  Found a small bug in the process when handling Vecna Scribe Chests and Package Chests
Base Champion Updated:  Elemental Lord can now drop any scroll
Base Potion Updated:  Added new potion enhancement function that does not allow for skill bonus, merely based on properties of items
Virtue Potions Updated: If the potion removes any evil traits there will be a *Splashed* emote above their head for a moment
Virtue Potions Updated: Changed default remove percentage to 33/50/66 (was 25/50/100) with a bonus from your total Enhance Potion bonus (Normal max)
PvP Points Updated:  Based on some discussions with players this has been removed for 2 reasons.  The current system allows for to much cheated because of how poorly coded and implemented, in addition it creates a fear in some players they do not wish to risk losing points.  (Kind of defeats the reason for them and adds no value to the shard)
Ancient Dragons Updated:  Always interesting when code that runs a billion times suddenly has an issue.  I currently handled this in the direct code but will need to do some research how to resolve this possible issue if it happens again in another mobile.
Package Chests Updated:  Added logging for when the chest is opened
Package Chests Updated:  Changed the process flow when the chest is open
Package Chests Updated:  Process reset catch if chest is opened and current info has not been established.