Discussion in   Shard Updates   started     3 years ago   February 19, 2021, 08:06:56 AM   by   Kane

Shard Update February 19, 2021 [378]

591 Posts
Topic :   Shard Update February 19, 2021 [378]
3 years ago  February 19, 2021, 08:06:56 AM

Tons of little things was done this week, in essense cleaning my plate a little.  Now time to watch Hades for a bit to see how this new code shakes out.  The 2 important things to note is that Murder Counts are now active in Hades (By popular demand) and with a little work on your part you will no longer lose all of your Hades Tears when you die, in testing I was able to take this to 55% Tear loss on death.  I want to see how this math works out because always what I see in testing plays the same because I do have another layer to this idea but would require a little more coding then I had time for this week.  Hoping in a few weeks I can get this layer done.

Next Week

Sayla and I will be working on Hades doing stealables and dungeon chests

Code wise have 2 things, I want to start on the War Master Crafting, I figure this is gonna take 2 weeks.  There are just to many holes and unknowns yet figured out for me to think I can get it done in one.  This will be added to Hades basically will become the only place for it.  My goal is for this to be on par in some levels with the Enchanted Sewing Kits.  I am also working on a new Deco Event System, this started out as an idea a few years back and just recently moved into "Proof of Concept" stage,  I have been playing UO since day 1 and see just about every custom shard out there so when I say nothing like this exists.. pretty sure it covers 99%.  Sayla and I are currently working towards testing this for Easter.


Version 378
Deco Deeds Added: 52 new items from Sayla
Shard Controller Updated:  Hades Murderer Count switch added
Shard Controller Updated:  Goblin thieves loot table data
Report Murder Gump Updated:  Now checks the Hades switch to determine MC in Hades
Hades Region Updated:  When coins are lost due to death your luck and the number of Tiers you have been awarded with the Tainted Soul of Hades trait will determine the number of coins the percentage of coins lost. (For testing this will work for both PvP and PvM)
Player Mobile Updated:  Created death stats (This is just internal data)
Storage Keys Updated:  Resources should now check to see if backpack is full and if so drop into your bank.
Neferix Updated:  New hue and lowered damage threshold
Vecna Essence Updated:  Decreased weight